What is the Association of Running Clubs (ARC) ?
ARC is
a not for profit company. It is registered at Companies House (Company
No 6040264). It is a company limited by guarantee and is entirely owned
by its members.
are the Committee Members ?
The current
Committee of the Association are Rod Baron, Brian Cruickshank,
Richard Dajda, Selina Da Silva,Tony Martin,
Dick Meredith,
Michael White. All officers and 80% of committee members are appointed
by the members of ARC at the AGM.
May was co-opted on to the committee in June 2023'
may affiliate to ARC ? ARC is
an affiliating body for clubs and associations whose principal activity
is road and/or cross country and/or fell and/or trail running and/or
walking (i.e. all the non stadia disciplines). Clubs whose principal
activity is track and field athletics can affiliate to ARC if they cater
for road running activities.
What benefits are provided by ARC to its members ?
ARC have a comprehensive civil liability
policy with sports insurance specialist brokers
Howden Insurance Brokers Ltd.
cover is similar to that provided to the other 280 sports governing
bodies for which Howden Insurance Brokers Ltd
act as brokers. (See
summary of insurance cover)
policy covers races organised by affiliated clubs
and affiliated organisations. These races require a
permit which will be issued by ARC following receipt of a satisfactory
Application Form. This can be downloaded from the ARC
part of this process Race Organisers must confirm that their race will
comply with certain standards.
will also provide advice and assistance to its members and undertake
other tasks as required by its membership.
Does ARC charge unattached levies on races organised by ARC members?
supports the continuation of an unattached levy – clubs stage the
majority of road races in this country and ARC believes it is right that
non club runners should contribute to the club structure that underpins
this activity. ARC acts in the
interests of clubs and therefore requires its permitted races to charge
a £2 Unattached levy on all race entrants who are not members of either
ARC or UK Athletics affiliated
clubs. Under its flat
rate permit fees, ARC does
not receive any portion of the unattached levies. The full amount
benefits the club/organisation which stages the race.
members of ARC affiliated clubs required to pay unattached levies in
races organised under UKAthletics permits ?
Athletics, in its Permit arrangements, has dispensed with the concept of
the Unattached Runner levy and has replaced it with a discounted entry
fee for UKA Registered Runners thus penalising many club runners. To
receive the discounted race entry fee, a runner has to be registered
with UKA – so being a member of a UKA affiliated club does not get you
the discount. Members of ARC affiliated clubs are in the same situation.
Conversely the lower entry fee in ARC permitted races is
available to all members of affiliated clubs (ARC or UKA).
contrasting arrangements reflect the importance that ARC attaches to
clubs and the Club structure in the sport.
What about young people and vulnerable adults ?
The very wide insurance cover negotiated
by ARC includes cover for clubs, their managers and governors against
legal liability claims following alleged abuse of young people and
vulnerable adults. However this cover will not protect any club or
person who has failed to comply with the provisions of the
ARC Protection Policy for Young and Vulnerable People. This policy
is displayed on the ARC website under Welfare.
Athletes ARC Rules state
that Athletes who have gone through male puberty should be excluded from
the female category. This is in line with World Athletics Rules. Race
organisers can if they wish have a separate category in their races
for Transgender Athletes
What is the cost of affiliation to ARC?
Affiliation fees to ARC are
calculated in bands dependent on the number of members in a club at the
end of its last completed financial year. Please note this includes
all members of a club regardless of whether or not they compete.
Membership fees applicable to
the period 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026
No of members |
Affiliation fee £ |
No of members |
Affiliation fee £ |
No of members |
Affiliation fee £ |
20 or less |
40 |
21 to 40 |
55 |
41 to 60 |
77 |
61 to 80 |
99 |
81 to 100 |
121 |
101 to 120 |
143 |
121 to 140 |
165 |
141 to 160 |
187 |
161 to 180 |
209 |
181 to 200 |
232 |
201 to 225 |
254 |
226 to 250 |
276 |
251 to 275 |
297 |
276 to 300 |
320 |
301 to 325 |
342 |
326 to 350 |
364 |
351 to 375 |
386 |
376 to 400 |
409 |
401 to 425 |
430 |
426 to 450 |
452 |
451 to 475 |
474 |
476 to 500 |
497 |
501 to 525 |
519 |
526 to 550 |
541 |
551 to 575 |
562 |
576 to 600 |
585 |
Over 600 members add £1.00 to
£585 for each additional member over 600
Note: ARC will not require
any personal details of your club members