- Community Amateur Sports
Clubs (CASC) -
Background Information
Running clubs should be aware that tax could have an
impact on their affairs.
It is not widely understood that sports clubs enjoy no
special exemptions from tax. Often therefore, unexpected tax liabilities arise
and opportunities to minimise tax are lost.
The main taxes which running clubs should be concerned
with are:-
- Corporation tax or income and capital gains
The following are likely to be taxable:-
- Investment income e.g. bank or building society
- Income from property
- Income from third parties (e.g. sponsorship income)
- Income from fund raising activities e.g. sporting
events such as races, social evenings, raffles etc
- Profits on the sale of capital assets
One relatively simple and effective way for a running club
to reduce tax liabilities is to become a CASC (Community amateur Sports Club)
Revenue & Customs: Community Amateur Sports Clubs: Guidance Notes
The definitive guide
Running Club Constitution for a CASC application