The Association of Running Clubs
(ARC) and insurers require that all volunteers who work with
young people under 18 years of age or vulnerable adults
undertake a DBS check.
DBS checks need to be updated every
3 years
ARC have a system with ProCRB for
the online application for these checks
Send the name and
email address of the applicant for the check and also the name
of your club member acting as the scrutineer of the documents
proving the identity and the address of the applicant to Michael
White email
A form for completion will be
emailed to the applicant. The applicant will need to show
documents proving his/her identity and his/her address to a
senior member of your club who acts as your scrutineer
After the DBS check the ARC
Secretary will advise your club official if there is no
information disclosed on the DBS certificate and your volunteer
can then start straight away
ARC will pay ProCRB fees. DBS make
no charge for DBS checks for volunteers.
ARC ask for Standard DBS checks for
run leaders. For those coaching children please request an
Enhanced Check